The most profound moment I’ve had this year was when I realized I could not go another day without smiling.
Happiness is a choice.
Up until around February of this year, I found myself lying in bed in the fetal position often while being bothered and frustrated over things I could not control. Allowing myself to drown in those moments of self-pity only caused even more devastation and I was killing my own potential to be happy.
And then one day it clicked…
It’s okay to not be okay, but you can’t stay stuck in that space of feeling sorry for yourself forever. No matter what you are going through, to push forward, you have to believe that it will get better and trust that what is coming in the future is far better than what you left in the past.
I made a promise to myself that I would never waste another day unhappy. I am too blessed to allow the bad moments to overshadow all of the amazing things and doors that have opened up for me and will continue to open up for me as long as I’m practicing gratitude. It’s all about perspective and being able to appreciate the small things like that hour I may not have had before to catch up with a friend and tell her I love her. Being able to have a career I love, take a road trip, attend a friend’s wedding, sit by the beach, meditate, breathe, smile, enjoy the moment…. They all count. These days I find myself even thanking God out loud when I find a parking space lol. It’s the small things.
I may give myself a few emotional minutes — but then I have to let it go, pray on it, give it to God and keep it pushing. 💪🏽 #todayimsmiling
Originally posted to Instagram
Necolisms are quick random thoughts originally posted to Instagram. I thought it would be neat if I started sharing them on my blog as well 🙂