It’s amazing how much you can learn about yourself through:
1) the guys you date and
2) your friends.
If it’s one thing that I’ve learned about myself during my various dating stages, is that I’m a very complicated being. A guy once told me years after we stopped dating,

Dating you was such a challenge that I went from chasing you because I really liked you and wanted to have you, to chasing you for the sole purpose of seeing if I could get you.

I said,

Well what was so challenging about me?

and he responded,

I just couldn’t tell if you liked me back. Yes, we went out to dinner, you came by and watched movies with me and we had great times, but when I said something sweet to you, you were unresponsive and when I tried to kiss you, you would turn away.  You treated me more like a close friend or brother than a guy you were dating.

My response:

‘….but I would do things like leave work early just to grab you food and drive all the way to your job to drop it off because I knew you would work through your lunch breaks. Or surprise you with thoughtful things.  Remember that subscription to that biker magazine because you were obsessed with motorcycles.  How about the Orchid? The one that was delivered to your job as small flower buds (because I knew you loved plants), and after you cared for it over a few weeks, it blossomed (you know, just like our relationship would have!). What about those letters I sent you in a bottle (I’m old school!) What about that ferret that I was terrified of, but I woke up to every morning when I slept over? I was fine with waking up to your little furry animal playing in my hair every morning because I knew you cared about it, and I cared about you!’

Okay, I didn’t say all of that but I damn sure was thinking it! I was young so those things counted to me.
Thinking back on that situation, I realize that the ‘5 love languages’ comes in to play here. At the time,  we were dating and I had a great friendship with that guy, but I wasn’t interested in taking things further because although he was uber handsome, career-minded, loved to cook, and affectionate, the one area that he lacked in was being supportive of my goals and dreams.  I remember I wanted to leave my job and start an entertainment website, and I felt as though he thought it was a ridiculous goal at the time. When you are supportive of my goals, dreams and ambitions and believe in me and not only the woman I am, but the woman I will eventually become, I am liable to fall in love with you so fast.  Affirmation is one of my love languages.
There are five love languages: gifts, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service or physical touch, and you can tell what someone’s love language is by what they either do for you in a relationship or what they complain or talk about the most. Most of the things I did in my relationships that I thought were showing signs that I cared and wanted to be with the person, really were things that I wanted them to do for me. I was showing them what my love language was through my actions to them. If my love language is words of affirmation and quality time, and his is physical touch (i.e. passionate kissing, intimacy, affection), no matter what I do, he won’t see it as love unless I am speaking his ‘language’ and vice versa.  So we both were showing each other love in two totally different ways but missing the mark when it came to our love languages.  He wanted more affection (and personal touch), I wanted more affirmation but we never communicated this to each other.
I learned over time that I do lack emotion and affection in the beginning stages of a relationship because I’m only guarding my heart. As those walls eventually come down, I will love on you so hard.
But how do I communicate that?
There have been plenty of times I would say to my close friend (whose been married for over 10 years), ‘Gosh, I wish there was a handbook or some cliff notes that will guide these guys on how to love me so that they don’t give up on me!’ I LIKE HIM! I just don’t know what else to do to show it!’
So here’s where a fun exercise comes in:
Recently, for fun, I asked three friends who have known me awhile, to create cliff notes for my love. You know like, a cheat sheet that they’d give a guy if he asked how he could win my heart.   Here’s what they had to say:

Friend #1 (been friends for over 3 years)

To win Necole’s heart, you would have to be a very confident, persistent man. The first advice I would give is to know she is very special, a pearl. Meaning, pearls, are found in oysters, which are located deep in the ocean, very deep, so you better prepare to put on that scuba gear and put in work, and swim deep, in order for her to open up to you!!! lol.
I would also say, her work is her life, so be prepared to be with a woman who is focused and who has her priorities in order. She is very strong also, so don’t feel some type of way when she is not very emotional at first but know she has the most kindest heart, and once you win that she’s all yours!
No need to pop bottles or try to impress her stuntin in VIP, it’s the little things that mean the most to her. If you take the time to write her a love letter that would make her smile.
Be spontaneous, she secretly loves being adventurous. Plan a date where you don’t give her all the details. Then surprise her with doing something out of the ordinary that she would never do on her own, take her skiing, or camping, or jump out of a plane with her. She needs someone who can show her new things in life. Travel together, she can really be herself when she is unplugged from the world. As a matter of fact, take her laptop away!!! Go somewhere where there is no wifi so she doesn’t be tempted to work!!! lol.
She is a dreamer, You can intrigue her most with deep conversations and she loves hearing about peoples aspirations in life. Spending quality time with her is the way you can prove to her you are sincerely interested. 🙂

Friend #2 (been friends for over 10 years — She told me she got carried away with this but she had fun!)

1. Be affectionate, very affectionate, hold her hand, kiss her when you feel the urge to kiss her, hug on her, grab on her, love on her, she likes it even if she doesn’t initiate it.
2. Call her, facetime her or write her. Don’t always text her
3. Take charge…. in a sweet way though. Make plans, be considerate yet have guts to tell her what you would like to do. Wear the pants, be the man, be direct in what you want, know what you want.
4. Have your own goals and ambitions
5. Do not smother her, give her space but make time for her…she grew up as an only child so crowding her or sitting up under her like you ain’t got ish to do will drive her nuts, but make time for her, be there for her, let her know you are always there for her.
6. Be willing to explore new things, introduce her to new things.
7. Don’t let her run when things get serious, she will try to run very fast, but assure her that you aren’t going anywhere and hold on to her, don’t give up on her, be patient with her and she won’t give up on you.
8. Be her friend and confidant
9. Be consistent
10. Show her romance
11. Make her feel special
12. Know that she will be your #1 cheerleader, she will encourage you. She also thinks about the little things and will surprise you, that’s how you know she cares.
13. Be family-oriented
14. Court her! Date her. For example, make reservations, pick her up and take her out. Dinner and a movie, or even something adventurous like horse back riding or go-karting will make her day. Go old school with it!
15. Know that her brand and her (Necole Bitchie and Necole) are not one and the same. Don’t get caught up, know the difference.
16. Material things are nice but don’t really impress her. She’d rather have your heart than a purse or lavish gifts. Your presence, consistency, goals/ambition and being there for her is what counts.
17. She’s a dreamer and knows that anything is possible (she has built her own empire). She believes in the happily ever after so you must be about that life…
It sounds like a lot but it’s really not. It’s simple:
Be consistent
Have business about your self
Court her
Be affectionate
Make her feel special
Be ready for love

Friend #3 (been friends for over 10 years)

Open up to her and show her your vulnerability and she just may show you hers. Necole is a runner so show her that you are in it for the long hall, chase my girl 🙂 Show her that she can let her guard down with you and you may just win her heart.

If you asked your friends for cliff notes to your love, what do you think they would say?