a little about me
The Journey
Why I Launched My Happy Flo
Most of you may have followed my journey as a very successful celebrity blogger and media mogul. I’ve been covered in top magazines, featured in TV Shows, name-dropped in a number of songs, won numerous awards, and even flew around the world with Rihanna on her highly publicized 7-day, 7 country tour. I have lived quite a life! I’ve also seen massive success while in the driver’s seat of a thriving empowerment and lifestyle platform which catered to millions of women. But despite all of the success, fame, and relevancy working in media afforded me, nothing has made me feel as purposed and as proud as the work I am doing with my latest venture, My Happy Flo.
Similar to most women, I spent years overworking, skipping meals, and forgetting to prioritize self-care while hustling my way to success in an unhealthy way. And my periods were debilitating! I’m talking the glued to a heating pad, taking time off of work, and skipping out on vacations with friends kind of bad. At the time, I didn’t know that our menstrual cycle is considered a fifth vital sign and can be considered a monthly report card for our overall health. Similar to some of the symptoms my mom endured before being diagnosed and eventually dying from breast cancer, my period was showing me signs that I was not in good health. I was dehydrated, had gut imbalances, severe vitamin deficiencies and my hormones were out of whack. But I ignored all the signs because I grew up believing that periods were supposed to be painful.
The truth is…
Periods are not supposed to be painful.
Cramping, mood swings, bloating, heavy bleeding and irregular periods are all signs of hormonal imbalance.
When I set out to learn more about healthy habits and nutrition, it was alarming to find out that 80% of women were living with hormonal imbalances that were manifesting into heavy, painful periods. When left unaddressed and undiagnosed, these imbalances could lead to more serious health complications such as fibroids, breast cancer, ovarian cysts, PCOS, endometriosis, thyroid disorders, and estrogen-induced cancers. Black women in particular are 2 to 3 times more likely to be diagnosed with fibroids, and 4 times more likely to undergo hysterectomy as a cure for their period pain and fibroid symptoms.
With so many women who looked like me suffering in silence and living in shame, I knew I had to do something.
With the help of a holistic doctor, I was able to balance my hormones naturally through implementing a vitamin regimen, as well as lifestyle and nutritional changes and as a result, I experienced a pleasant shift in my periods without the side effects of hormonal birth control, or pain meds. Better periods and improved hormone health drastically improved my quality of life! It also helped reduce my risk of developing breast cancer, fibroid tumors and other conditions caused by estrogen dominance and I knew I had to help other women do the same. My goal with My Happy Flo was to create a holistic product that women could rely on to fill in their nutritional gaps, as well as help boost their energy, moods and immunity, and restore hormonal balance for a healthier cycle.
My Happy Flo isn’t just about supporting you while you are on your period.
We want to help optimize your health every single day of the month
I launched this brand in honor of my mother’s breast cancer journey and a number of friends who had to turn to prescription meds or surgeries that they didn’t want because they weren’t given any other option. I am so grateful for the love and support we have received in customer testimonials, press coverage and a number of grants that have helped propel us to success. Your continued support will help us shift the narrative around periods, miseducation around hormonal contraceptives, and knowledge around natural cycles, hormone health and our reproductive system for a more empowered relationship with our bodies.
To learn more about My Happy Flo visit myhappyflo.co, and follow us on Twitter and Instagram!

what they said
She Has The Midas Touch
Necole Kane has spent more than 12 years creating successful brands. With her gossip blog NecoleBitchie.com and her women’s lifestyle site, xoNecole, and most recently with her PMS-supplement company, My Happy Flo, she’s had the Midas touch.
– Essence Magazine
Necole is a former celebrity blogger, media mogul, women’s health advocate and founder of feminine wellness brand My Happy Flo