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This morning, I was thinking back to a conversation I had with Wale over Twitter back in 2012 regarding love!  His comment stated that he no longer trusts females and that love is counterproductive, and my response was, ‘Trust is earned’ and ‘You have to be the love you seek!’
Ironically, although I was very pro-love, pro-relationship back then, I did over time begin to think, ‘Maybe this love thing while I’m trying to build this empire is not for me.’  You know, that time and energy I just spent trying to make you happy, or crying over you (potential boyfriend/husband), could have went to something more productive and proactive. For instance, these 100 goals I still have yet to accomplish. [From the mind of a workaholic and over-achiever!] The good times are good and I will cherish those moments, but the bad…man, I start thinking of one thousand things I could have been doing to get to where I want to be in life during that time.
Have you ever talked to someone who told you all the things they had wanted to do in life, and when you asked, what stopped you, or what’s stopping you,’ they start the sentence with, ‘Well, I fell in love…’
um….Then what happened!!!??????
Wale’s issue is trust, my issue is that relationships take work! It’s a full-time job and a lot of times we find ourselves investing in something that we aren’t quite sure will bring us a return on our investment. It’s a gamble and all worth it for the right person. But a lot of times we know from the start, or start getting hints and signs that the person we are pursuing ain’t worth it, and that’s when it becomes counterproductive.
For love to work, there has to be sacrifices, there has to compromise and you may have to give up little pieces of things that are important to you in order for the love to grow. The thing I have always fought with before determining if a relationship was right for me was, ‘How can I gain you, without losing me?’
Dating without knowing if the final outcome is worth the time invested is scary, but how do you experience love otherwise? When it doesn’t work out, we have to just look at it as a scar earned and lesson learned…
Can I trust you with my heart?
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Originally posted on Tumblr