When Life Gets Stale…

The other day, I was browsing Tumblr, when I ran across someone asking a writer how she overcomes writer’s block. The writer responded: I stop writing when life gets stale. She continued with advice on how to find inspiration: So I’ve learned to go to new...

Run or Rise?

Isn’t it crazy how we say we want certain things in our lives, and when they come, we continue to subconsciously push them out? ‘Go away, go away, go away!’ It’s called fear. In life, we end up being scared of the things we want most and as a...

The journey towards your big dream changes you. In fact, the journey itself is what prepares you to succeed at what you were born to do. And until you decide to pursue your dream, you are never going to love life the way you were meant to. – The DreamGiver

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FaceBook Interview With Necole [Part 1]

This is not your typical interview! Last week, I asked you guys on Facebook to send me anything you’ve wanted to know and I would answer them here. I’m sticking to my promise!!! Here are round one of the interview questions sent by you! Camille Morgan: Who...