Good Morning!!! One of my favorite tech websites, Black Web 2.0 has relaunched with an amazing new layout, and I am excited that they decided to feature me in their brand new issue. In the feature, broken down into three parts, I discuss what I love to do when I step away from the computer, as well as the actual business side of blogging and my future plans.
I was honored when they first approached me for the interview for many reasons as that site actually believed in my brand from the very beginning.   Back in May 2010, they published an article “Does the $20 million dollar gossip blogger exist?” which stated that if it was any blogger in the urban space that would have the type of success as Perez Hilton, it would be me.  That really expanded my idea of what the potential of my website and brand could be and over the years I pushed harder because of that article alone.  They also followed up with Living The Bitchie Life: Lessons In Growing A Brand.
In the newest article, I made the statement:

My idea of success has changed now. There’s a constant push to be the best and be on top to the point where I look around and realize that I’ve missed everything just trying to be the best. Success is doing what you love and also being fulfilled. If you have a career but you’re not really living I don’t feel like that’s success.

I look at my accolades, photos in the picture book, the magazines, etc and realize that everything was just a blur.  Have I lived? Did I really live in those moments? In the new year, I’ve made a promise to myself that I will live life. That it is okay to take a day off. A week off…even a month if I have to.
What’s the point of roses if you can’t smell them?
Read my feature over at Black Web 2.0.