It wasn’t until I started reading up on The Law of Attraction that I started realizing how truly powerful the mind is. There was a point in my life that I felt things would not happen for me for any given reason. ‘I won’t have the same success as such and such because of this’ and ‘that would never happen to me because of that’ were examples of things that I would tell myself.
It’s a very dangerous way of thinking and you begin to marginalize your own life without even knowing. It’s one thing for others to not believe in you, but when you don’t believe in yourself, it’s destructive. It wasn’t until I changed my way of thinking that I truly changed my life. I replaced those thoughts with,  ‘Yes, this will happen for me! Yes, I deserve this and I’m gonna get it!’
It’s important to be aware of those negative thoughts that may be holding you back from reaching your highest potential and work hard to change them into positive thoughts. Start your day with daily affirmations. Constantly visualize yourself where you want to be. Most of all, believe in yourself and believe that your dreams will eventually become your reality.
For Kicks: The Law Of Attraction (written December 2009)