I never login to my old myspace which I use as a personal page but I did today and came across this blog I wrote on November 8, 2007. About six weeks later I went on to create my website NecoleBitchie.com
Four years ago, if you started throwing words around like Grindin, Hustlin, and being Hungry in the business, I wouldn’t have a clue what it felt like or meant to be Hungry.
I received my first lesson on What it meant to be Hungry while living in Detroit. In, 2003 I left my corporate job at an accounting firm in Maryland and decided to take on the entertainment business. After working with a few small entertainment companies I ended packing and moving to Detroit on a whim one day. 6 months later I found myself interning for the Urban Powerhouse FM 98 WJLB.  I remember at the time how much it meant for me to kick my foot in the door of a Clear Channel Station and I worked HARD. I remember being at the station 7 days a week, sometimes 14-16 hours a day working for free…but LOVING every moment of it.  I was passionate about what I was doing and I remember thinking how I would feel to be “IN” and what I would feel like the day they called me into the office to tell me that “I had a Job”.  I was HUNGRY but didn’t even know it.
As months went by, my savings started to run out and I didn’t want to get a job that would interfer with me being around at the station. It got to the point where I had no money for food, my bills were piling up and I was selling things on Ebay just to make rent…but I still didn’t realize that I was Hungry.
It got even worse for me. I wouldn’t eat unless someone at the station would buy me food, because I didn’t have money to eat.  I moved around the corner to the station so that I could get there in rain, sleet, or snow..no matter what the circumstance..I was always near by). As time went by, I started to get weak from not eating and started to feel like I wanted to give up. The only thing that would keep me going was the many homeless people I would walk by on my way to work. I would look at them and think “at one point of time they had a dream…but they gave up”..I wasn’t going to give up.
One day I was walking to the station and I passed a guy who had this delicious smelling pizza.  It took everything in me not to ask him for either a slice of his pizza or money so that I could get food to eat.  By the time I got to the station, I burst out in tears because the reality was, while trying to live out my dream I had gotten myself in a position where I was no different than the homeless folks I walked by every day who begged for that quarter, nickel or dime so they could get food to eat.  When radio personality Big Dawg Blast asked me what was wrong …I told him “I’m HUNGRY”.. and he says “You gotta be hungry in this business. That’s what it’s about. You gotta be Hungry to Make it!!!”.  Later on, as I was leaving the station, a $20 dollar bill fell from my coat pocket.
Look at God!!!
Blast had realized that I was literally hungry and slid me some money on the low so I could eat.
A few months after I had been hired in to a full time position at the radio station, Blast walked in my office and said “I remember when you were HUNGRY”. He told me that he had thought I was Hungry as in “wanting to make it” and I was literally hungry as in Starving.  We laughed so hard that day over that.
Although I slowly started growing out of radio and my focus turned toward the music industry, I will never forget the folks over at WJLB for teaching me how to grind, hustle and make it. Till this day, I’m still hungry.