Lauryn Hill was 23 when she made this emotional speech after accepting an NAACP award. While watching the video this past week the first thing that came to mind was “although she was at the height of her career, she was on the verge of a meltdown. She was at her breaking point…”.  You could tell by the words she used, the look in her eyes…
She emerged in a picture this week with Martha Stewart looking a bit tired, maybe stress but her kids happy and healthy.  My first impression was “Lauryn Hill is going through it” but I quickly shot down my assumption because who am I to judge a photo and say what someone is or isn’t going through. For all I know Lauryn Hill is at peace with her decision to leave the music industry. Less pressure to be something that she’s not. More time to spend with people who love her and would love her even if she never sold one record.
A few years back Michelle Williams sang in front of a church. I think it was after Christmas and mid way into her performance, she broke down in tears.  She was in the group Destiny’s Child at the time and they were at the height of their success but who knows what she was going through behind the scenes or what was on her conscious.
I say all this to say,people have NO IDEA what people are going through in their life. Alot of people become envious of people’s success without knowing exactly what’s going on behind the scenes and what obstacles that person has to go through and has gone through to get to where they are.  Everyday half of these people are trashed and dogged out by blogs, commenters, commentators and the likes. Hell I’m guilty of the trashing because I used to ghost blog for various sites (that shall remain nameless) and left those sites for that particular reason.  How can you sleep at night knowing that things that you publish may potentially killed someone’s career or stopped them from eating?
I also used to wonder why celebrities chose to keep their relationships private but when Jay-z stated

It makes more sense than I ever would have realized. Yes I would love to see more examples of  love but in this f*cked up world, it’s best to just keep your relationship private. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone…
I almost went through a meltdown before after dealing with something very personal and I had no idea who to call, because a part of my life I try to keep personal. I realize you can’t let everyone know everything and I’m wise enough to know that more than half the people I know wouldn’t f*ck with me if I was under different circumstances.  Fortunate for me a friend called to save the day…
All It took was ONE phone call.  ONE from someone that cared.
but I’m hearing news today that someone else wasn’t so lucky…
R.I.P Shakir Stewart
“Show me 10 millionaires and I’ll show you 9 unhappy people’ – Russell Simmons