I called one of my best friends a few weeks ago and she ended up being a wreck.  The conversation began with her telling me “we are always two different places in our lives” before she broke down in tears. She then proceeded to tell me how she is struggling with work, her home life with her mom and sister, the feeling of being lonely, bills are piling up, and to top it off she feels as though she’ll never find Mr. Right, and get married and yada yada yada.
While she talked, I sat back and accessed her situation. From the outside looking in, I saw a girl late 20’s who was doing WELL for herself.  She just graduated from school and obtained her degree after taking a long break in her 20’s. She was actually working in her field Biology in a lab working on a considerable study to find a cure. About 7 years ago when I met her she lived in a two bedroom apartment with four family members and I watched them move from that small apartment to a mid sized home to a HUGE beautiful house in an affluential neighborhood and guess who’s name was on the deed. HERS!  Right then and there I was experiencing a case of someone who spent so much time comparing themselves to people around them and where they felt they should be that they didn’t even have the time to sit back and be thankful for the things that they were blessed with. YES, she was blocking her blessings.
So after telling her how proud i was of her and listing all the things she has accomplished since we’ve known each other, she still wasn’t really hearing it. So the first thing that I suggested was that she wake up every morning and write down every thing that she’s blessed to have. Whether it’s family, good friends, a roof over her head etc.  Second, I told her to send me a list of things she would like to accomplish in the next six months for herself with a date of completion and if she reached her goals, I’d take her on a nice trip.  I then shared my secret with her, which is my vision book.
What is that? Well, I’ve noticed that I’m a huge visualizer. When I was younger, I used to sit and day dream about everything. The way I wanted my life to be, the boyfriend I wanted and so on, and I would always visualize it into existence (if that makes sense).  This year alone is a perfect example. In December of last year when my life was knocked off balance, I sat and visualized what I wanted to happen in 2008. Where I wanted to live, where I wanted my site to be, what I wanted to accomplish and that helped me to exceed every single goal that I had set for myself at the top of the year.  It’s not that I’m a psychic or someone with magical powers because I’m not.  Visualizing things constantly helps you to stay focused on what it is you want for yourself and helps you shut out the things that would prevent you from obtaining them. LIke if you visualize a car that you want, but then allow that thought to come in, but I’ll NEVER be able to afford it, I might not even have a job at the end of the year….You are preventing yourself from actually obtaining those things because of those negative thoughts.
I read ALOT of magazines, but my favorite are Black Enterprise (because I love reading about Black Entrepreneurs) and Uptown Magazine, which is a magazine geared towards the affluent african american.  Half the stuff in Uptown is pricey, but everything that I set my eyes on that I want (whether it be a car, a vacation home, a pair of shoes) I cut out of the magazine and place it in my vision book.   There are little stickers that I place in there too to make it all pretty. I even surprised myself and placed a picture of a wife and groom in there before and under that, a woman hugging her child.  The vision book was a project I started for fun one day while sitting on my bedroom floor surrounded by magazines but it evolved into something much bigger for me. Especially when you go back through the book months later and realized you’ve obtained some of the things you’ve placed in that book.  The feeling is Golden.  I look through it every now and again, just as a reminder of where I want to be, what I want to have, and where I want to go…in life.
So I shared my vision book story with her.  The next day she went out and brought “The Secret” and A scrap book ….
I called her a week later and I’m not sure where she was but she was very happy. I haven’t heard her sound so cheerful in like five years.  My girl is a pessimist and she knows it..LOL! So the sound of her voice was a joyous moment for me that day.
She was like “girl my friends just showed me a picture of me when we were in college. I was sooo petite.  They are going to have to give me this photo so I can put it in my vision book”
I just smiled and told her to call me when she can..
I can’t wait to take her on that vacation..
Vision Book
How To Make A Vision Board
How To Create an Empowering Vision Book